Valona Ghee Made at Our Farm
From Milk of Own Cows
About Valona Ghee

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Benefits Of Ghee

Nutritional value of Ghee:

Ghee is a calorie-dense food. 100 ml of ghee gives as much as 883 calories of energy
Ghee is purely fat and has no significant amount of proteins, carbohydrates, sugar or fibre. 100 ml of ghee contains almost 99.8 grams of fat. Most of the fat present in ghee is saturated fat. It also contains cholesterol
Ghee is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin K if the source of ghee is the milk from grass-fed cows. It also contains butyric acid

Here are 15 amazing benefits of ghee are:

Ghee has Healthy Fats
Research proves that ghee is low in fat. It has healthy fats which make it add good cholesterol to the body. Ghee does not cause heart diseases like other forms of fat.

Helps Digestive System
Ghee consumption is strongly related to a healthy gut. In the olden times, our ancestors used to have a spoonful of ghee before every meal. It lined the gut and reduced chances of ulcers and cancer.

Strengthens Immune System
Ghee is rich in Butyric Acid, which helps the body in producing T cells that fight diseases. Also, read 7 habits to boost immunity

Source of Essential Vitamins
Ghee is a dependable source of critical oil-soluble vitamins A and E that are needed for a healthy liver, balanced hormones, and fertility.

Anti-inflammatory and Anti-cancer
Ghee has butyric acid, which is an anti-cancer constituent. The antioxidants present in it make it anti-inflammatory.

Boon for Lactose Intolerant
Ghee is lactose-free. It doesn’t cause allergies in those who suffer from dairy or casein intolerance.

Treats Burns
Ghee is one of the safest dermatological cosmetics. It is skin-friendly and helps treat burns.

Strengthens Bones
Ghee is rich in Vitamin K, which helps in calcium absorption. It helps in the prevention of tooth decay and prevents atherosclerosis. Also, read the best foods for healthy bones

Cures Thyroid Dysfunction
Since the usage of ghee results in balancing the hormones, it is instrumental in thyroid dysfunction.

Weight Loss
Ghee revs up the body’s metabolism making it an ideal medium for weight loss. Consumption of ghee makes it burn the other fats in the body and thus cause weight loss.

A High Smoke Point
Ghee does not break into free radicals at a high temperature. Free radicals are responsible for cancer, amongst other diseases. This makes it an ideal medium and a stable fat to cook and fry food in.

Treats Menstrual Problems
Ghee tends to balance the hormones in the body. This makes it an ideal contender if you are looking to relieve yourself of menstrual issues like PMS and irregular periods.

An Appetizer
Ghee consumption increases appetite in kids and adults alike. This is another reason to add it to your child’s food.

Enhances Taste
Ghee elevates the taste of any dish that it is added to – a bowl of dal becomes tastier after adding ghee.

Positive Food
Ghee attracts toxic elements in the body and helps in cleansing the body of harmful stuff. It is one of the most sattvic foods.

Regular consumption of ghee leads to a reduction in stress and anxiety levels.

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